
ICT Assessment Software

We have been using a new piece of software called 2Assess to monitor our pupil's ICT skills. The children in every year group from 1 to 6 have a series of tasks to do within a set time limit. They receive a score for each activity which the teacher can see. The children get feedback on their performance and can have multiple attempts at the activities. The activities are QCA based but do cover a good range of generic skills. Our children have enjoyed using 2Assess once each term and have found the activities to be fun and motivating. 
Click on the picture to go the the 2Assess website. The software is a 2 Simple product and works really well on a school network.

New Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Design

We have recently bought a new style Gyration keyboard and mouse for use in assemblies or presentations. The mouse is quite different to the old design in that it looks like a TV remote control. The gyrascope is built into the hand held device. It has multimedia controls aswell as small left & right mouse buttons which can be operated without a surface. The keyboard also has internet and media controls. Both devices are radio controlled via the USB dongle. They both take AAA batteries which will last about 12 months. I have found this equipment very useful in our school hall as it allows the presenter to stand well away from the computer and projector. They have a 10 metre range.
Find out more from the GYRATION website
Each set of equipment costs about £100. It is worth shopping around various IT companies.. 

Digital Microscopes

These digital microscopes are powered by the USB port of your computer or laptop and allows you to view close ups of objects with up to 150x magnification. Record your images with its 1.3 mega pixel camera and even record video as well. Perfect for teachers and children in a variety of curriculum areas. Built in LED's provide illumination. Comes complete with a metal stand to hold the microscope steady.
To find out more click here for CELESTRON and TTS.
You can buy a Celestron Microscope for as little as £39. The TTS Easi-scope is £29.

We have used the microscopes in science recently when looking at different soils.
The images were projected onto the classroom interactive whiteboard.


Publishing Multi Page Documents

I have found a great new way of publishing and viewing multiple page documents such as our brochure. Mrs Miller does a fantastic job in the school office putting together various school documents. She has recently created a new brochure for our Nursery. Using a website called 'ISSUU' I was able to convert it into an interactive booklet. Click on the image below to bring up the interactive functions. A similar whole school brochure can be on the front page of our school website: http://www.roberthitchams.ik.org/